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Tuesday 13 October 2015

#ERPT04A : Membahas Artikel di Web Sesuai Fungsi

Halo kawan, Maaf saya merevisi hal ini. karena yang kemarin tidak berkaitan dengan Odoo.

Kali ini Saya akan membahas tentang odoo terutama bagian payroll yaitu

“How to create and pay an Employee’s Payslip”.

Check This Out...
First of all, create a new database and install modules Payroll and Payroll Accounting, Then you need to Define an employee and create its home address as shown below:
Go to Menu: Human Resources / Human Resources / Employees

This will create the employee to be a partner in the system, define this partner as supplier.

Define the receivable and payable account for this employee’s partner.

Now next is to create a contract for the employee including salary structure and salary rules:
Go to menu: Human Resources / Human Resources / Contracts
Note: you can create Salary structure and Salary Rules from here itself or navigate to the
Menu: Human Resources / Payroll /Salary Structures and Human Resources / Payroll / Salary Rules.

Create a Salary Expense Journal of type ‘Purchase’

Create Individual accounts for BASIC, NET, GROSS, DEDUCTIONS, ALLOWANCES etc.

Then in the salary rules assign the Debit and Credit accounts as:

All the rules will have there individual accounts created as Debit accounts and Credit account as the Salary expense account.

Go to menu:  Human Resources / Payroll / Salary Rules

Assign Net Salary rule’s Credit account as the partner’s receivable account( that we assigned at the start) as he is liable to receive the net amount. Assign the Debit account as the account created for individual salary rules.

Now we will create a payslip for the employee.

Go to menu: Human Resources / Payroll / Employee Payslips
After filling the required inputs click on Compute Sheet button  and you will see the sheet is calculated

Now Click the button Confirm to confirm and generate the accounting entries

Now we will pay the employee for this navigate thru Menu: Accounting / Suppliers / Supplier Payments

Create new payment and select the employee’s partner, as soon as you select the partner you will a line is added as a payment line with the outstanding amount.

Click button Validate  to generate payment accounting entries.

Untuk Lebih Jelasnya bisa di lihat disini :

Thanks For Your Attention..

Semoga Bermanfaat Untuk Kalian Semua yaaaaa :)

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